Guida Ambientale Escursionistica (associato ad ASSOGUIDE)
La Guida GAE è un professionista della Natura, che guida singoli o gruppi di persone a conoscere aspetti naturalistici e antropici del territorio, senza battere record di salita ma insegnando a guardarsi intorno e a capire la Natura.
Assoguide é l'Associazione di categoria nazionale che rappresenta chi per professione accompagna le persone in Natura, illustrando loro le
caratteristiche ambientali e culturali dell'area visitata.
E' riconosciuta dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MISE) e la Guida Ambientale Escursionistica è quindi legittimata ad operare su tutto il territorio nazionale in base alla L.
Vivere la Natura da soli è sicuramente uno degli aspetti più appaganti, ma avere vicino una persona qualificata che conosce le specificità e le curiosità di un territorio rende la passeggiata ancora più fruttuosa e interessante, poiché si riesce ad apprezzare ancora di più ciò che si vede e che spesso si dà per scontato.
Da sempre residente in Abruzzo, la Guida Eugenio Di Zenobio ha una profonda conoscenza del territorio abruzzese ed è esperto di fauna selvatica. Laureato in Giurisprudenza, ha poi conseguito negli anni una notevole esperienza nel campo della conservazione e gestione faunistica collaborando con Parchi e Associazioni in studi e progetti di ricerca.
Educazione ambientale, Escursionismo, Trekking, Visite culturali ai castelli e borghi d’Abruzzo.
Svolge l’attività di Guida in tutti i Parchi della Regione Abruzzo illustrando gli aspetti ambientali, naturalistici e storici del territorio. I suoi programmi sono volti alla scoperta del vivere all'aria aperta.
Imparare a guardarsi intorno, ad ascoltare i suoni della Natura, per partecipare attivamente alle emozioni che la Natura ci regala...
Experiences and training
Collaboration with Abruzzo National Park (1995)
Publication of "The Abruzzo chamois, the most beautiful in the world!", published by Abruzzo N.A.I.F. (november 2001) under the patronage of Majella National Park and Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park.
Publication of "The lakes of Abruzzo: small and large bodies of water, among sounds and colors of Nature" (October 2002) published by Abruzzo N.A.I.F.
Collaboration with Gran Paradiso National Park (July 2003)
Monitoring of two couple of golden eagle (Aquila crysaetos) on behalf of SOA (february-july 2004)
Project on avifauna at Pescara Airport (2004-2005) - part of a research project on behalf of Airport Authority.
Transects at altitude on Gran Sasso for monitoring Alpine finch (Montifringilla nivalis) - part of Snow Finch group’s research project (july-august 2005).
Monitoring of two couple of golden eagle (Aquila crysaetos) on behalf of SOA (since 2005, still in progress)
Monitoring of alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus) and coral chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) in the Celano Gorge (Sirente Velino regional park).
Faunistic surveys of chamois, deers and bears in collaboration with the Parks of Abruzzo from 2000 to 2011
Since 2010 he deals with naturalistic photography and documentary video.
Training course for Guide Coornata in Sirente-Velino regional Park (summer 2018)
Research interests
Monitoring and census of ibex in the Dolomiti Friulane Natural Park, in collaboration with the Park Authority (august 1998).
Monitoring and census of the Marsican brown bear in the Sirente-Velino Regional Park, in collaboration with the Park Authority (december 1998).
Wwf field for the protection and the conservation of Abruzzo National Park, in Val Fondillo, in collaboration with the Park Authority (august 2002).
Wwf field "From the side of the bear" on the conservation of the Marsican brown bear, in Val Fondillo - Abruzzo National Park, in collaboration with the Park Authority (august 2004).
Scientific ringing sessions at the ornithological station "In Volo" (Wwf Oasis “Lago di Alanno – Piano d’Orta”, Pescara) and at the ornithological station "D'Alta Quota 2200 Campo Imperatore" (Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park) (july-september 2005).
First Snow Finch field of scientific ringing at Campo Imperatore (august 2006).
Third Snow Finch field of scientific ringing at Campo Imperatore (august 2008).
The Guide GAE is a fully qualified Nature Interpretive Guide and Walking Leader (GAE) who guides individuals or groups of people to know naturalistic and anthropological aspects of the area, by teaching to look around and to understand Nature. AIGAE is the Italian Association for Professional Nature and Interpretive Guides who work in the nature, hills and mountains illustrating both environmental and cultural characteristics of the area visited. It is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and is therefore entitled to operate throughout the national territory on the basis of Law 04/2013.
Living Nature by his own is certainly very gratifying, but if you have a qualified person who loves and knows the territory your walk will be even more fruitful and interesting. You can look around from a different perspective and, therefore, you can appreciate even more what you are seeing.
Eugenio Di Zenobio, who lives in Abruzzo, has a profound knowledge of Abruzzo territory and is an expert in wildlife. First graduated in Law, over the years he has achieved a considerable experience in wildlife conservation by collaborating with Parks and Associations in many research projects.
Environmental education, hiking, trekking, cultural visits to castles and villages of Abruzzo.
He carries out the activity of Guide in all the parks of Abruzzo illustrating the environmental, naturalistic and historical aspects of the territory. His programs are aimed at the discovery of living in the open air.
According to him, it is very important to learn to look around, to listen to the sounds of Nature, to actively participate in the emotions that Nature gives us.